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To sign up please enter the following information. Enroll Now page is encrypted to protect your privacy and personal information.
By clicking “SUBIT MY INFORMATION NOW” I agree by electronic signature to hire CREDITKYLE LLC to manage the dispute process, which includes: 1. To evaluate my current credit reports as listed with applicable credit reporting agencies and to identify inaccurate, erroneous, false, or obsolete information. To advise me as to the necessary steps to be taken on my behalf in conjunction with the Company, to dispute any inaccurate, erroneous, false, or obsolete information contained on my credit reports. 2. To prepare all necessary correspondence in dispute of inaccurate, erroneous, false, or obsolete information in the credit reports. 3. To review credit profile status from the credit reporting agencies such as Experian, Equifax, and Transunion via, telephone, email, SMS, or by any other form of communication during normal business hours even if my phone number is on a do not call registry.


With all of the credit repair companies out there, what makes CreditKyle different?

We are a very different organization from almost every other Credit Repair company out there, with much different goals. Many agencies out there are engineered to have higher monthly fees and keep their clients enrolled indefinitely. Our program is designed to work much quicker and have our clients in and out and on their way as quickly as possible.

We also use an exclusive process that makes us the fastest, most effective credit repair agency in the industry. We never use “simple disputes” like most agencies. We open full audits and investigations and make sure that the bureaus, collectors, and creditors are reporting the credit in compliance with strict Federal guidelines. Combine this with our low prices, and it’s clear that we’re one of the top values in the industry!

How much does your services cost?

Our service is a onetime fee of $197, with no exit fees or penalties, a phone consultation and expert advice is always free, a complete credit analysis is only $1. There’s no lengthy contract, so our clients can exit anytime, and all pricing includes taxes and regulatory fees (if applicable).

Can I continue with your services even after my negative items are gone?

Absolutely! Many of our clients choose to stay with us so that they have their own personal credit advisor that’s available anytime they need advice or if a new item appears. Think of it kind of like keeping an attorney on retainer. We always hope we won’t need them, but the peace of mind is nice to have and of course our service is a much lower cost!

How will I get updates about my account and progress?

Our clients have 24/7 access to their very own Client Portal where they can view the items that are currently in the process, deleted, updated, and so on. Also, they can view their total negative and positive items, inquiries, credit report, and credit scores. There are even educational and informational tools as well as money management tools built in! You’ll be automatically notified each time a new audit is completed and shown which items were included. Plus, our Specialists will reach out by phone and email when there are important updates, and they are always available by phone and email if you have questions or concerns.

Should I pay off my collection items?

We always advise speaking with a Credit Specialist before making a decision like this one, as every credit situation is different. However, we generally do not recommend paying off items in collection until we have audited that item. Many consumers don’t know this, but many times even if you pay off these items, they remain on the credit until the creditor is forced to remove it. Also, if the item gets deleted through our process, no need to pay the creditor/collector anything on that debt!

How long does the process take?

The time frame really depends on each credit profile because each and every one is different. We understand that, so we never charge an exit fee or penalty of any kind. Most of our clients start seeing results within 30-45 days. However, we know that many clients will need less time than that, and some may need a little longer based on their specific credit needs. Again, this is why we don’t obligate our clients to a set time with our services.

How do I get started?

If you’re ready to get started or would like more info, you can click the "Enroll Now" button blow to get signed up!